Saturday, August 8, 2009

cadangan aktiviti di hujung minggu

Apa aktiviti untuk hujung minggu pada esok hari? Mungkin nak keluar jalan-jalan tapi dengan penyakit H1N1 yang semakin serius dan sangat mudah berjangkit, ada baiknya duduk di rumah sahaja melayan anak-anak. Di sini saya cadangkan suatu aktiviti untuk dijalankan bersama anak-anak di rumah.

Use this recipe and let kids have fun making biscuits shaped as letters from the alphabet!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
• Refrigerator Biscuits
• Melted Butter or Margarine
• Cinnamon and Sugar
• Grated Cheese
• Poppy Seeds
• Sesame Seeds
Remove one or two refrigerator biscuits at a time and form them into the shape of letters... Why not spell out your whole name? Set them on a cookie sheet.
Prepare small bowls of sesame seeds, poppy seeds, grated cheese, and/or cinnamon sugar; also put melted butter into a small bowl. Brush the biscuits with melted butter and then sprinkle with whatever treats in the bowls you want. Bake as directed on the biscuit roll package.
Eat while warm - these are great with a little peanut butter and jelly!